Interview with The Strypes (Cavan, Ireland) !
Month: April 2014
Nardwuar vs. Bushwick Bill
Interview with Bushwick Bill of the Geto Boys (Houston, Texas) !
Nardwuar vs. Perfect Pussy
Interview with Perfect Pussy (Syracuse, NY) !
Tribute to Dave Gregg, Oderus Urungus plus others that passed in 2013
R.i.p. Dave Gregg of DOA, Oderus Urungus of GWAR plus Guest DJ Ed Lasko pays tribue to others that past in 2013
CiTR Fundrive Show with Thor
CiTR Fundrive Show with Canadian Heavy Metal Legend THOR !
Nardwuar vs. Diplo
Interview with Diplo (Dayonta Beach, FL) !
Nardwuar vs. Pizza Punks Zine
Interview with Cole from Pizza Punks Zine (Vancouver, BC) !
Nardwuar vs. Madchild
Interview with Madchild of the Swollen Members (Vancouver, BC) !